Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Elizabeth Taylor

I just posted a new necklace - named The Elizabeth Taylor. I just love this necklace! As soon as I finished laying out the stones for it, I stepped back, took a look and was instantly reminded of classic 80's aerobic wear! The vibrant colors just screamed high side-pony with layered multi-color headbands, bright folded socks, a workout top with funky neon geometric shapes, and hot pink "wind shorts." You know you see it too! As crazy 80's as that image may be, however, you know it's wild, fun and makes you want to party all night long! Just the look I was going for with this necklace - super spunky, wild, and fun! You may not sport they high pony or the folded socks, but who says you cannot sport those classicly fun 80's colors? Besides, they have started to reappear. And for the total package, you could complete your look with the matching earrings!

But if 80's colors just are not your thing, no worries - I have plenty other necklace and earring options in my store! As always, check it out at:

Have a fab day!! And don't think you are alone when you feel like listening to Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical" all the sudden.

Love, Linsy

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